Posts Tagged ‘fortune cookie’

Underrated coping skill: bulletin boards

October 21, 2009

This is the third post in the Grey Thinking series, Five of the most underrated coping skills.

Out of sight, out of mind.

This idiom definitely proves true for me.  I get so wrapped up in everything going on in life that I forget about all these health / self-care / positive affirmations / you name it that I’m trying to convince myself of.

I wrote about this in a previous post, I’m going to need that in writing, but it’s definitely worth mentioning again.  I have a bulletin board above my desk with little things on it – quotes, pictures, etc. – that mean something to me.  For example, there’s a fortune cookie fortune that says, “Remember there are people who care deeply about you.”  There’s also a copy of my meal plan and clips from meaningful emails.  Granted… there are also pictures of my dog, a yearly calendar, and sometimes a to-do list… but my point is, I put stuff up there that I need to remember.  And it helps, a lot.

I know that in treatment and recovery, I need to hear the a lot of the same things over and over.  Seeing some of these concepts concretely and being reminded of them regularly has proven to be very helpful.


photo credit: kitchenknife