Posts Tagged ‘crafting’

Underrated coping skill: crafting

October 25, 2009

This is the fifth post in the Grey Thinking series, Five of the most underrated coping skills.

I’m not sure that “crafting” really encompasses the coping skill that I want to mention, but it’s the best term that I could come up with.  When I say “crafting,” I mean any of the following:

  1. coloring
  2. making collages
  3. sudoku /crossword puzzles
  4. word searches
  5. computer solitaire
  6. kitting
  7. drawing / painting
  8. origami

…see my point?  Semi-creative (and low-stress) activities that keep your hands busy.  I don’t know what it is about keeping my hands busy, but it really helps with the anxiety.

Personally, I prefer coloring & sudoku… mainly because they don’t really require any thought.  I can stress out about drawing because I don’t know where to start or I am worried about screwing it up.  With coloring… it’s way harder to screw up and limited decisions have to be made.  I know people who really get a lot more out of art than just being distracted and it can really be therapeutic for them.  I have days like that, but usually I’m just looking for a good, basically mindless activity.

Five of the most underrated coping skills

October 18, 2009

…according to Grey Thinking, at least.  I’ve seen so many coping skills lists full of bubble baths, deep breathing, positive affirmations, etc, and really am just bored with them.  Someone needs to come up with some creative and new alternative coping mechanisms!  I might as well start.  Here’s a list of some of my favorite / most-helpful coping skills, that I’ve never seen (or very rarely seen) on any “learning to cope” list.

Five of the most underrated coping skills:

  1. card stores
  2. bulletin boards
  3. kudos charts
  4. crafting
  5. dvds

I have a lot to say about each one of these, so I’m going to break them up into different posts.  However, I’d love to hear you feedback and any alternative or underrated coping skills that you might use.